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![]() Welcome to the Frighten Me Blog! Today, we're hosting H.E. Roulo on her Plague Master Blog Tour! When I write, I’m a big planner. I plot out the opening, ending, and the big moments between them. I color code my notecards to ensure characters connect, scenery is interesting, and regular action. Action means different things depending on your genre and story. For a romance, action is sometimes the verbal back and forth of flirting. In a detective novel, it’s hunting down a witness or finding a hidden clue. In a zombie book, the action isn’t as subtle. If you’re here for the zombies, they need to be an integral part of the book and feature in the action. In the first book of the series, Plague Master: Sanctuary Dome, Trevor is a bait boy who runs into zombie infested buildings to draw them out or find survivors. He is sent to a prison world where infected who change into zombies are ejected into the poisonous atmosphere outside the protective dome. The dome breaks, and there is plenty of action as Trevor and his friends try to escape the planet. Action in the second book of the series, Plague Master: Rebel Infection was just as engrossing. Now a hero on his world for returning with a serum for the zombie infection, Trevor isn’t prepared for the lack of humanity in the ruling class of his world. Rebellion seethes under the surface of every interaction. Chaos ensues when the last of the zombies, kept in order to supply serum, are freed by rebels. Unknown to them, a Plague Master is ready to capitalize on their actions and the zombie become one more player on the landscape of Trevor’s home world—a landscape rapidly becoming a wasteland. Like the first book, Trevor if forced to seek help off-world. He travels to the snowy world of Toknan, where zombies battle one another; to a space station, where desperate survivors fight for the last supplies; and finally back to the broken sanctuary in search of answers to his failing cure. The zombies are smarter, faster, and more coordinated. Every sequel needs to up the ante, though, and Trevor is already a pro at fighting zombies. Unfortunately, it isn’t just about fists and guns. He has to deal with his own conflicted feelings, knowing that some day the zombies might be recoverable with a proper cure, just as he was recovered. Is he like them? One of them? And why does he sometimes hear voices? The action only goes upward. Plague Master: Sanctuary Dome is the first book of the Plague Master series. Plague Master: Rebel Infection, released September 2019. PRAISE FOR PLAGUE MASTER: SANCTUARY DOME “A perfect mix of classic sci-fi and zombie horror. Once you start, you are hooked!” -Jake Bible, author of Little Dead Man. “Sanctuary Dome is fast-paced zombie sci-fi on a prison planet of the dying and the undead.” -Stephen North, author of Beneath the Mask Welcome to OWSCyCON 2019 and the Horror/Thriller Blog Tour! We're so happy to have you with us today at Frighten Me!
This is our first time with OWSCyCON and we're thrilled to be here. As a special treat, please enjoy some free fiction from our own Naching T. Kassa and then check out the other authors on the tour. The Heart Fell By Naching T. Kassa ©2019 “I’m glad you could meet with me today, Mr. Iris,” George Gleason said, extending a hand across the steel-gray table. “I need a good lawyer.” Gleason smiled at me with perfect white teeth and sky-blue eyes. His thin fingers closed over mine and the chains of his cuffs clinked. I gave his hand a quick squeeze and then released it. “I’d like to go over your case first, Mr. Gleason. I haven’t agreed to take you on as a client yet.” I leaned down to retrieve the first of two briefcases. The locks opened with a loud click, and I pulled out a thick folder. A large horsefly buzzed past, making its rounds of the room. It landed on the table and then took off once more. “There’s a lot of evidence here, Mr. Gleason,” I said adjusting the spectacles on my nose. “I’ve sifted through it and I think I’ve found a few things which may help you. But, first things first. I heard you had some trouble with your memory?” He bit his lip. “A little. I was sick you know. I got out of the infirmary yesterday. That’s when I found out they’d removed my lawyer from the case. The warden recommended you to me.” “How far back can you remember?” Gleason shrugged. “I don’t remember coming to the infirmary. I don’t even know how I got into this prison. The last thing I remember, I was out driving and a cop stopped me for speeding.” “Do you remember anything before that? Your college years? High School? Your childhood?” “I had a happy childhood. Did well in school. Had a couple girlfriends. Pretty hum-drum, I guess.” “Did you do well with the girls?” “Are you asking if I’m a ladies man?” “Yes.” Gleason chuckled. “I wouldn’t say that.” I reached into my briefcase and removed the electronic tablet from it. A press of the button and the device powered on. I handed it to Gleason. “This might help you recall a few things. Just touch the screen and swipe to the right when you’re ready to move on to the next picture.” Gleason studied the first picture. Three teenage boys and a blonde teenage girl smiled up at him. “Do you know the boys?” He shook his head. “What about the girl?” “That’s Mary Simpson. I went to school with her.” “Swipe to the next picture, please.” Gleason obeyed. This time one teenage boy smiled from the image. He stood beside a blonde girl, her hair parted in the middle. Judging by their formal attire, it was a prom picture. “What about these two?” “I…I don’t know the guy. I know the girl. She was a couple years behind me in school. The name is Callie Jacobs.” The horsefly landed on Gleason’s hand. He didn’t seem to notice its exploration of his skin. “Next picture.” Gleason swiped to the side. A girl smiled at us. She too had blonde hair which parted in the middle. She sat at a table in what looked like a French or Italian restaurant. “Her name was Gladys Richards. We dated for a while.” He looked up. “Next picture?” I nodded and he moved on. The next picture depicted a blue-eyed woman sitting on a bus. She was dressed in jeans and a sweater, her blonde hair parted in the middle. She seemed to be immersed in a paperback book. “Her name is Elsie. I…I can’t remember her last name. I don’t think I knew it.” “Why is that?” “We had a one-night stand and I never saw her again. Dreamed about her a lot though.” I reached across to slide the next picture into view. Another blonde, her hair parted in the middle, appeared. She lay on the beach, dressed in a black bikini. “What about her?” “I want to say Moira. Don’t know her last name either.” “Another one-nighter?” “Yeah.” A smile played over his lips. “Yeah, she was.” “Mr. Gleason, do you remember why you were arrested?” His face grew red. “I think the police were out to get me. They seemed to think I was someone else. They kept harassing me.” “Who did they think you were?” “A guy called Red Burns. I went through school with him. We even went to the same college. That guy…he was a real piece of shit.” “What did he do?” “Breaking and entering, attempted rape, and kidnapping.” He leaned forward. “I heard he did a lot of other things but he never got caught for those. I used to run around with him which is why the cops came after me. A lot of people judge you by the company you keep.” I took the tablet from Gleason and slid back to the first picture, the one with three boys and a girl. “Do you recognize any of these boys now?” “Oh, my…that’s him. That’s Red Burns.” He pointed to a red-headed boy standing beside Mary Simpson. I nodded and placed the file back in my briefcase. The click of the lock seemed louder this time. “What…what are you going?” “I’m afraid I can’t take your case, Mr. Gleason.” “What? Why?” “For several reasons.” “I don’t understand.” I pointed to the remaining boys in the picture. “That’s Chris and Clancy Gleason. They’re your brothers.” “Th-they are?” “Do you know what happened to Mary?” “No.” The images sped by beneath my fingers. I paused when I reached the one following Moira. Gleason gasped. The black and white photo contrasted with the color one we’d seen moments before. Mary lay alone in what looked like a forest, eyes glazed, a wound in her throat. I switched to the next picture. “Callie was Clancy’s girlfriend throughout high school. Until they found her face down in the ditch.” Gleason stared at the picture. He licked his lips. “And, Gladys, Elsie, and Moira, well…worse things happened to them. Strange how you remembered them and Red Burns but not your own flesh and blood.” I picked up the tablet. Gleason reached for it, looking as though he might tear it from me, but then dropped his hands to his lap. “It wasn’t me,” he said. “It was Red Burns. He did it. He killed them.” “All of them?” “Yes.” “That’s impossible.” “It was him! I swear!” “Red Burns died when he was 13.” I picked the second case up and opened it. A set of scales lay inside and I quickly assembled them. “What are you doing?” Gleason asked. I set a feather on one side of the scales and then turned to the man before me. “Do you remember what happened before you wound up here in the infirmary?” “I told you I don’t.” “You were executed, Mr. Gleason. Two-thousand volts went through your body in a matter of seconds. You’re dead.” The color drained from Gleason’s face. “I’ve come here to measure the darkness within,” I said as I approached him. “Though my initial investigation has informed me the guilty verdict is true, I must make sure no innocence resides within your heart.” Bones cracked as I reached into his chest. He gazed at me, eyes wide as I withdrew the lifeless heart from his breast. I set it on the scale. The heart fell, the feather rose. ************************************************************ Thank you for joining us today. Please, feel free to visit the other authors on the tour. Simply click the names below. A. F. Stewart K. Matt Kayla Krantz Alice De Sampaio Kalkuhl Michael Salt ![]() As technology takes over more of our lives, what will it mean to be human, and will we fear what we’ve created? What horrors will our technological hubris bring us in the future? Join us as we walk the line between progressive convenience and the nightmares these advancements can breed. From faulty medical nanos and AI gone berserk to ghost-attracting audio-tech and one very ambitious Mow-Bot, we bring you tech horror that will keep you up at night. Will you reach the Kill Switch in time? ****************************************************** A sneak peek inside… Phantom Caller NACHING T. KASSA An electric van swung into the drive of 3355 Maple Street and parked outside the large, iron gate, waiting for the security scan. The legend, BIG BAB’S PEST ELIMINATORS, covered both sides, along with a cartoon mouse running from a musical note. Repairman Jack Voorhees sat behind the wheel, his partner, Buddy “Bud” Ray, in the passenger seat. Both men studied the large Victorian home standing before them. “This is a creepy old place,” Jack said, eyeing the dark blue house accented with white gingerbread. “What’s the story on this one?” “House belongs to Ida Meyers,” Bud replied, consulting a thin electronic tablet. “She had the pest elimination program installed on the house mainframe three weeks ago. For the last two days, she’s called the office every hour insisting we remove it.” “What for? Are the mice back?” “No. Central ran a remote diagnostic. The ultrasonic sound is still repelling them.” “What’s the problem, then?” Bud looked up from the tablet. “She thinks the sound attracts ghosts.” Jack turned to his partner. Bud’s blue eyes bulged. His pasty skin gleamed in the purpling twilight, and contrasted with the black hair beneath his cloth cap. “That’s impossible. Ghosts can affect technology but it can’t affect them. Everybody knows that. Remember Dr.—what’s her name, the one who discovered their existence with the centrifuge—” “Kruger.” “Yeah, she said our tech didn’t work on them.” “Well, Ida Meyers says it does. She wants the program gone, and I mean yesterday. Dispatch says she’s called twenty times in the last hour.” “Why doesn’t she get a priest? Or a rabbi? They’re the ones who handle ghosts.” “Says here she’s already had seventeen exorcisms.” “Seventeen? That’s nothing. I grew up in Hell’s Kitchen. There were thirty-seven exorcisms on my block alone. And, I can’t tell you how many ghosts I’ve seen. My buddies and I used to fight them.” “You fought ghosts? How? You can’t touch them.” Jack reached into his shirt beneath the white coveralls he wore and pulled out a rosary. “See this? My mother brought it back from Italy. She had it blessed by the Pope himself. You touch a ghost with this and he feels it.” “Wish I’d had one when I was little,” Bud said, removing his hat and wiping his forehead with his sleeve. “Had a ghost in my closet once. Used to scare the bejesus out of me. I hate ‘em. The only thing worse is being one.” “Security Scan complete,” an electronic voice announced. “Proceed.” The gate slid open with a soft hum and Jack drove up the drive. As they approached, an elderly woman opened the door and stepped out onto the porch. She wore a pink blouse, matching slacks, and tennis shoes. Her silver hair waved in the breeze. Jack parked and the woman hurried down the steps toward them. She reminded him of a small and ancient scarecrow. “Ida Meyers?” he asked, stepping out of the van. “Sorry, we’re late. Our last job took longer than—” “It doesn’t matter.” The woman panted. Sunken eyes peered at him from her pale and wrinkled visage. “Do you think you can get it done before the sun goes down?” “We’ll try, ma’am,” Jack replied. “Could you take us to the house mainframe?” Ida nodded. She led him toward the house. Bud followed, carrying a small toolbox in his left hand. “Are you sure you want the program removed?” Jack asked. “There might be a bug in the system. We could—” The old woman froze. “Did you hear that?” Jack and Bud halted behind her. Before them stood a large, mahogany staircase in the foyer’s center. The wood gleamed beneath amber lighting. “I don’t hear anything,” Jack said. Ida trembled. “There. Do you hear it now?” Bud glanced at Jack. He shook his head. “They’re worse at night,” Ida said. “This way.” Ida led them past the staircase, through the dining room, and into the kitchen. She switched the lights on. A small, cheery room filled with ancient appliances, white oak cabinetry, and a matching dining set met their eyes. Hand-crocheted potholders adorned the walls, each with the name of a different month stitched into it. A copper kettle whistled on the stove. Hardwood floors gleamed beneath their feet. Everything seemed normal except for the threshold and the window sill. Both were covered with pennies. Ida paused before the house mainframe which also served as a refrigerator. Jack frowned. “The new programs don’t always work with the older models,” he said. “You should get a new one.” “It belonged to my mother and I’m rather attached to it. Aside from that, I can’t afford a new one.” Ida removed the kettle from the burner and turned toward the window. “It’s getting dark.” “I’ve worked with this model,” Bud said. “Worked on it in trade school.” He opened the small toolbox. “Crap! Wrong tools. I’ll be right back.” He dashed out of the room. Ida settled into a nearby chair while Jack studied the house computer/refrigerator. “Are you Catholic?” Ida asked. “Huh?” She pointed to his chest. He looked down, caught sight of the rosary, and slipped it back into his shirt. “My mother is. She’s about your age.” Ida laughed. The sound seemed hollow, almost mirthless. She shut her eyes. “When was the last time you slept, Ms. Meyers?” “What’s today?” “Thursday.” “I haven’t slept since Tuesday.” “Two days?” “Like I said, they’re worse at night. I don’t sleep much.” ****************************************************** EDITED BY: DAN SHAURETTE & EMERIAN RICH STORIES BY: H.E. ROULO, TIM O’NEAL, JERRY J. DAVIS, EMERIAN RICH, BILL DAVIDSON, DANA HAMMER, NACHING T. KASSA, GARRETT ROWLAN, DAPHNE STRASERT PHILLIP T. STEVENS, LAUREL ANNE HILL, CHANTAL BOUDREAU, GARTH VON BUCHHOLZ ![]() continues our Horror Bites series with a bundle of new fiction by our Next Great Horror Writer Contestants. Featuring work by: Jonathan Fortin Naching T. Kassa Daphne Strasert Jess Landry Harry Husbands Sumiko Saulson Adele Marie Park Feind Gottes JC Martínez Cat Voleur Abi Kirk-Thomas Timothy G. Huguenin Riley Pierce Quentin Norris With introduction by Emerian Rich. is proud to present our top 14 contestants in the Next Great Horror Writer Contest. The included stories, scripts, and poems are the result of the hard work and dedication these fine writers put forth to win a book contract. Some learned they loved writing and want to pursue it as a career for the rest of their lives. Some discovered they should change careers either to a different genre of writing or to a new career entirely. Whatever lessons came along the way, they each learned something about themselves and grew as writers. We hope you enjoy the writing as much as we did. Just 99 cents at ****************************************************** A sneak peek inside… INTERVENTION by Naching T. KassaSubmitted for the 6-minute Audiodrama Challenge, Episode #147 NARRATOR Lakeland Penitentiary is the oldest prison in use today. It is also the most haunted. Whispers echo in the stone cells, screams pierce the gloom, and unknown phantoms prowl the silent halls. Only one man stands between the specters and the living. He is the prison chaplain and his name is Father Matteo Lopez. JOHN NOLAN, a young inmate, sits in a chair outside FATHER LOPEZ’S office. Silver threads streak John’s dark hair and the beard which covers his careworn face. He rises to his feet as the office door swings open. FATHER LOPEZ, exits the office and smiles. He is a middle-aged Hispanic man with kind, brown eyes and hair the color of midnight. His dark suit fits his short, stocky frame well and the white collar at his throat seems to glow in the dim light of the corridor. FATHER LOPEZ (SLIGHT HISPANIC ACCENT) Mr. Nolan? Come in, please. SFX: FOOTSTEPS AS THE TWO MEN ENTER THE OFFICE. DOOR SHUTS. FATHER LOPEZ Please be seated, Mr. Nolan. Do you mind if we get down to business? NOLAN No. FATHER LOPEZ Let’s start with why you’re here today. NOLAN I have a problem, Father. One of the inmates on C-Block told me you could help. He said you’d believe me. FATHER LOPEZ What is the problem, my son? NOLAN I don’t know how else to say it. Someone is haunting me. She thinks I murdered her. FATHER LOPEZ Tell me everything. NOLAN It started after my trial. After I pled guilty. FATHER LOPEZ What was your crime? NOLAN It’s not important. Let’s just say I belong here. FATHER LOPEZ This is a first. Ninety-nine percent of the men I see claim they don’t belong here. But, I digress. Please, continue. NOLAN As I said, the haunting started after my trial and has continued every day for six months. It’s horrible, Father. The woman—she’s rotting away. Every time she comes, it gets worse. Last night, I saw shreds of skin over bloodied bone and a face without eyes. She tried to get into my cell. If she ever does, I know she’ll kill me. You have to stop her…To read more, click here. Author: Naching T. Kassa is a wife, mother, and horror writer. She lives in Eastern Washington with Dan Kassa, her husband and biggest supporter. Naching is a member of the Horror Writers Association. She took second in’s Next Great Horror Writer Contest. You can find her work at ****************************************************** for Horror Addicts, by Horror Addicts Listen to the podcast for the latest in horror news, reviews, music, and fiction. Press Welcome aboard, followers of Frighten Me. Today, we have a special treat for you, something which may become a regular feature. We’re going to discuss the best haunted attraction in the Pacific Northwest, Scarywood. And, I will act as your guide.
Join us aboard the Silverwood Express. Make yourself comfortable, there's room for all. October chill fills the air and frosts the pumpkins. The wind whispers and the leaves fall. The frightening transformation of Silverwood has begun. Under cover of night, monsters walk and ghosts haunt. Your night begins when you set foot in the long tunnel which leads to the interior of the park. Strange sounds echo, shadows creep, and shivers course over your body. When you exit, a demonic creature beckons. It leads you round the corner where a hideous beast rushes from the shadows. Beware of these beings. They populate the scare zones. Cross them if you dare. The maze of Blood Bayou offers a special treat for the horror fan. Stop and listen as you pass through. Is that beating the sound of you own heart? Or the rapid footsteps of a maniac? If you negotiate the maze successfully, make your way to ancient Egypt or find your way through the terrors of the living dead. There is no shortage of frights here. Not during Scarywood’s Haunted Nights. And, now we return to the safety of your car. Let’s hope you haven’t been followed. You wouldn't want to bring these guys home. This has been a preview of October. Silverwood Theme Park is located at 27843 US-95 Athol, Idaho, 83801 You can contact the park by phone at : 208-683-3400 or e-mail : [email protected] Exciting news! has announced their newest submission call. This book will contain stories of Victorian Horror with a twist. All stories must take place during the Victorian age (1837-1901) and feature some sort of divination. So, break out that Ouija board, shuffle those Tarot Cards, and write something scary.
The book is called DARK DIVINATIONS and will be edited by Naching T. Kassa. She wants original and terrifying tales. For details, see our Horror Markets page here at Frighten Horror Bites:
Campfire Tales New Reading Only .99 cents! Dear Reader, You've been invited to a very special night of Campfire Tales, hosted by Meet us at Old Bear Creek, just past Dead Man's Curve. Dress warm. We’ll be waiting. Four scary tales told by Next Great Horror Writer finalists and woven together by a trek through the woods you'll never forget. "Cabin Twelve" by Daphne Strasert When a camp counselor goes on patrol, she finds an extra cabin in the woods that no one knows about...or do they? "The Face" by Naching T. Kassa An ailing mother and her daughter are terrorized by a disembodied face. "When the Wind Leaves a Whisper" by Jess Landry Girl Scouts in the 40s experience a frightening occurrence in the woods. "Goose Meadows" by Harry Husbands Two friends out drinking at night discover the real horrors of Goose Meadows. Welcome to Frighten Me and the October Frights Blog Hop, Fiends! From October 10-15 we’ll be examining some of Frighten Me’s favorite horror films. Today is the last day (Wahhh!!!) but we’ve saved the best for last. It’s time for the horror/hilarity of Army of Darkness.
SUMMARY: Army of Darkness (1992) is the third and final film in the Evil Dead trilogy. It begins by summarizing Evil Dead II and continues from the moment where Ash is pulled into the time vortex. He and his Delta 88 are dropped into the middle ages where he is taken prisoner by a group of knights, led by Lord Arthur. Ash joins other prisoners, one of whom is Duke Henry. The prisoners are taken to Lord Arthur’s castle and Ash is thrown into a well inhabited by a deadite. A Wiseman, who has recognized Ash as their prophesied savior, throws him his chainsaw. Ash catches it with his stump and plugs it in, making short work of the demonic creature. When he climbs out, he takes charge and sets Duke Henry free. Ash wants a way home and the Wiseman tells him only a spell from the Necronomicon can send him back. In order to retrieve the book, he must go to a nearby graveyard and speak the magic words, “Klaatu Barada Nikto.” Ash sets out on his mission and is chased into a windmill by an evil force. While there, he breaks a mirror and tiny images of himself come to life. They knock Ash out and tie him down. When he comes to, they force him to swallow one of their tiny number. Ash tries to drown the tiny Ash by swallowing boiling water but fails. The creature grows splitting off into a second, evil Ash. Ash chops his doppelganger up with his chainsaw and buries him in the woods. He then resumes his quest. When Ash reaches the cemetery, he finds three books waiting for him. The first sucks him in, and when he pulls himself out, he has a long, stretched-out face. The second book flies up into the air and attacks him. When he takes the third book, he realizes he has forgotten the last magic word and so, instead of saying “Nikto,” he coughs and fakes it. This leads to a chain reaction wherein the graveyard comes alive and skeletal hands attack Ash. Lightning strikes the grave of Evil Ash and he is reanimated. Ash returns to the castle and greets Sheila, the girl who loves him. They are soon attacked by a bat-like deadite who abducts Sheila. She is taken to the Evil Ash who transforms her into a deadite while assembling his Army of Darkness. Army of Darkness is not only frightening, it’s funny. Bruce Campbell is hilarious as the bumbling hero and as the equally bumbling villain. Every scene he’s in is terrific. STARS: Ash Williams/Evil Ash – Bruce Campbell Sheila – Embeth Davidtz Lord Arthur – Marcus Gilbert Wiseman – Ian Abercrombie Duke Henry – Richard Grove LITTLE KNOWN FACTS: -In the original ending, Ash fails to use the correct amount of potion which will take him to his own present. He winds up in an apocalyptic future. The studio found this ending too depressing and a new happier ending was shot. -Evil Dead II was supposed to be Evil Dead II: Army of Darkness. Unfortunately, the budget for the film couldn’t accommodate a trip to the middle ages. -Army of Darkness was originally given an NC-17 rating for the decapitation of a female deadite. -Bridget Fonda plays Ash’s girlfriend, Linda, at the beginning of the film. -“Klaatu, Barada, Nikto” are the words spoken to neutralize the robot, Gort, in the original version of the film, The Day the Earth Stood Still. -Ash has appeared in many graphic novels. Some have featured Ash vs. Freddy vs. Jason. One of the most popular, features the rock band KISS. It’s called KISS Army of Darkness. MEMORABLE LINES: Ash [holding Sheila in his arms]: Gimme some sugar, baby. Ash: Alright, you Primitive Screwheads, listen up! You see this? my BOOMSTICK! The twelve-gauge double-barreled Remington. S-Mart's top of the line. You can find this in the sporting goods department. That's right, this sweet baby was made in Grand Rapids, Michigan. Retails for about a hundred and nine, ninety-five. It's got a walnut stock, cobalt blue steel, and a hair trigger. That's right. Shop smart. Shop S-Mart. You got that? Ash [after crushing a metal goblet with his new hand]: Groovy. FAVORITE SCENE: When Ash takes the book and announces in a dramatic voice: “Klaatu. Barada. N-cough! Cough! Cough!” MEMORIES: When I was younger, my parents made my sister and I leave the room if a film was too violent. Army of Darkness was the first movie I watched in the Evil Dead trilogy and all through it, I was terrified. I was sure I’d have to leave. But, many of the scenes utilized the suggestion of violence which was more frightening and effective than the actual violence. A few years later, we tried to show the first Evil Dead to my nephew and niece who were fairly little. Needless to say, we had to turn it off. The violence in the first two films was not suggested. I still haven’t seen the complete film (or the second for that matter.) But, I have seen the TV show and it is extremely violent. It is incredibly fun though. I’m really sorry they canceled Ash vs. Evil Dead. HOW YOU CAN WATCH: Army of Darkness is rated R. You can watch it, Tuesday, October 16, during the “Day of the Undead” marathon on AMC’s FRIGHT FEST. As always, it is available for purchase on Amazon. That’s it for October Frights. We hope you’ve enjoyed our take on our favorite movies as well as the little bit of free fiction. If you like October Frights, let us know in the comments below. For now…HOP ON! |
AuthorNaching T. Kassa is a wife, mother and horror author. Categories |